Conflicted Young Lives
A poem about the conflicting ways in which young adults are encouraged and discouraged:
Be yourself, they tell you
Reckless then they call it.
Do your own thing, they advise
Midway then they stall it.
You’ve got time, they say
Don’t waste it, they implore.
“Go out and discover, young one...
But just what we let you explore.”
Dream big and dare, they teach
Be practical, then they imply.
Anything is possible, they admit
Only your abilities they deny.
Enjoy your youth, they urge
It doesn’t come back, they remind.
"Live life to the fullest, young one...
Oh and here's your all-consuming grind."
Voice your views, they instruct
Embrace disagreements, then they add.
Learn to question, they impel
Just not them, they get mad.
Work through the hardship, they counsel
Nothing good comes easy, they state.
"Labour hard and toil, young one…
So what if it's a job you hate."
Don’t worry too much, they stress
Things will work out, they vow.
It will all make sense, they assure
Someday soon, just not now.
Yugal Sehgal writes about life, mindfulness, and people. He lives in India. Follow him and @drawcuments on Instagram.